ROSY MOOD is a skin shop established Mar 29, 2008. Main merchandise are skins and shapes, searching after the beauty of Japanese, in my own way. Both lady's and men's are available. Skins are copiable, no-mod, no-trans, and no depiction around groin. Most of my skins are L$120 for one shade, 250L$ for 3 shades set. Shapes are copiable and modifiable, no-trans, mostly L$90. Demo skins and shapes are free.
I can't refund the price of NO TRANS or COPIABLE products, because you can't send the product back and there's no way for me to confirm disposal.
I am the owner and designer, Calico Felisimo, rezzed in Jan 10, 2008. I dare say I speak English, easy words, simple grammar, short sentences will be greatly appreciated ;)
ROSY MOOD main store